Nearby Attractions
Explore Licking County
For information on lodging, dining, golfing, museums, nature and recreation, as well as an extensive schedule of events.
Buckeye Lake Historical Society
The museum is a vital part of the Buckeye Lake area and of the preservation of its history. Call: (740) 366-2029. To book Queen of the Lake III sternwheeler, call 740-929-1998
Dawes Arboretum
The Dawes Arboretum is a non-profit private foundation engaged in scientific education in horticulture, natural history, and arboretum history. The arboretum is open from dawn to dusk every day except Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day. Tours and classes available. Dawes is located on S.R. 13 just north of I-70 near the east end of Buckeye Lake. Call: (740) 323-2355.
Flint Ridge State Memorial Park and Museum
Flint Ridge is a deposit of flint approximately 3 x 9 miles running in an East-West orientation. The layer is 2 - 10 feet thick. More than 10,000 years ago, Native Americans quarried the flint from pits still visible on the quarry trail. The 5-square-mile park is open year-round from dawn to dusk.
Newark Earthworks Indian Mounds
The Newark Earthworks are the largest set of geometric earthen enclosures in the world.
Black Hand Gorge
Black Hand Gorge is located just 9 miles east of Newark on State Route 146 opening daily from daylight to dusk. You can journey through time as you witness remnants of the Ohio Canal, which gave way to the railroads, and later, the “Electric Interurban” trolley cars in the 1890’s. Tracks of all three modes of travel still remain.
National Heisey Glass Museum
The National Heisey Glass Museum houses hundreds of Heisey patterns produced by A.H. Heisey and Company from 1896 through 1957. Located in Veterans Park at 6th and Church Sts. Call: (740) 345-2932.
Old Canal Lock
The Old Canal Lock is located in Heath, Ohio on your way to Newark via State Route 79. The old lock is famous because this is where a golden shovel was used to break ground for the Ohio Erie Canal. There is a monument telling this story. State Route 79 follows much of the Old Ohio Canal bed or it crosses it in several places with some of the old canal still visible. Today some of the Ohio Canal has water in it north of Seller’s Point and also some along State Route 360. This particular part of the canal goes under State Route 79 and supplies water to the Hebron Fish Hatchery. Visitors can drive along the canal or many times people will fish in the old canal. This canal connected Lake Erie at Cleveland with the Ohio River in Portsmouth.
National Trail Raceway
National Trail Raceway (NHRA) is a quarter-mile dragstrip located between Hebron and Kirkersville, Ohio, USA, off of U.S. Route 40. The race track is located about 30 minutes east of Columbus, Ohio. It is known to local residents as 'National Trails'. Call: (740) 928-5706.
Nearby Historic Sites
Nearby Historic Sites - these include the Buckingham Meeting House, Sherwood-Davidson House, and the Webb House in Granville, Ohio.
Licking County Arts Gallery & Gift Shop
Visit the Licking County Arts Gallery & Gift shop to buy unique affordable items that are handmade locally by talented artists and artisans.
Buckeye Lake KOA
Buckeye Lake KOA Campground is a park-like setting with lots of trees and open space, located on State Route 79 South, Buckeye Lake, Ohio, just off of Interstate 70, but with no highway noise!